Wednesday, November 30, 2016

British Press Compiles Trump Compendium of Sexism

Several weeks ago, the UK's Telegraph posted an article chronicling Donald Trump's sexist comments. Journalist Claire Cohen, Editor of Telegraph Women, spent a “nauseating year” tracking every lewd comment made by then-candidate Donald Trump. Cohen’s research uncovered deeply misogynist attitudes reflected in Trump’s comments about his wives, daughters, and other women as far back as 1990. Cohen notes that, rather than being horrified, many Trump supporters laud his comments as “truth-talking” rather than the trash-taking “live action sexism” they are. 

Somehow, I find Trump's comments more shocking post-election than pre; I suppose because now I have to live with the reality that the U.S. has elected rape culture to the White House.  

“Donald Trump Sexism Tracker: Every Offensive Comment in One Place”